====== 波士顿动力(Boston Dynamics)Atlas人形机器人近况 ====== 昨天(2023年1月19日),波士顿动力(Boston Dynamics)名为Atlas的人形机器人最近展示了与目标物体互动,更改现实环境,抓举、抛起重物等功能;见视频。 {{bilibili>BV1UG4y1X7LD?full}} ====== ====== It’s time for Atlas to pick up a new set of skills and get hands on. In this video, the humanoid robot manipulates the world around it: Atlas interacts with objects and modifies the course to reach its goal—pushing the limits of locomotion, sensing, and athleticism. == 延伸阅读 == * [[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3MDU5ODMzMg==&mid=405799416&idx=1&sn=78a2db6ad1e67b6316271cc1fd1b5c30&chksm=02feca2b3589433dd269f69ed976e6face504927138516e1bdf0d1195a9f6d44419b9f2931fb&scene=27|点评 | 中外专家点评:Atlas机器人到底处于什么水平?]] {{tag>波士顿动力 "Boston Dynamics" 机器人 人形机器人 "humanoid robot"}}